Avalon EcoVillage

Want to change the world but don’t know what to do or where to begin?

You’re in good company!

In spite of the best intentions of many sincere persons, and the noteworthy efforts of countless worthy causes, our planet seems to be accelerating toward an unsustainable future, resulting in untold suffering for the majority of humankind, and leading our world inescapably toward eventual self-destruction.

Young girl with a small horse.

Though you may understandably feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the task at hand, if you still have hope that building a better world is possible, TAKE HEART!!!

The celebrated anthropologist Margaret Mead once said:  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Girl with sunflower. Sunflowers

If ever there was a time to bring a new consciousness to solving the world’s problems, and to act on Margaret Mead's famous quote, it is NOW!

We have taken the first steps, and through the efforts of many, have established our beloved Avalon EcoVillage a two-hundred and twenty-acre dream-unfolding that has now become the largest teaching/learning center for sustainability and harmonious living in the Western United States and possibly the world.

Through the years we have experienced first-hand the benefits of pooling our collective strengths, aspirations, and vision as we work toward building a more just, healthy, and sustainable society. Through this initiative, we feel called to forge a new consciousness to meet the new and immense challenges of our times while striving to help restore the planet through innovations in sustainable and conscious living. 

We begin by seeking to build an inclusive spirit of community and promoting a sense of individual responsibility for the common good. Included in these intentions is our desire to create the ideal prototype of sustainability, not only to minimize our impact on the environment, but more importantly to serve the world as a model EcoVillage.

Our efforts are driven by the belief that to inspire global change, there must be a working model that can be replicated on a global scale and a physical location where others can see our effective principals in action, first-hand.

Blonde young boy. Orange flowers at Avalon EcoVillage

We need your help.  Please join hands with us, and lend us your financial support so we can expand our vision of promoting these essential principles of sustainability around the world.  Specifically, your funding is needed to provide scholarships to train the teachers of tomorrow, to expand our facilities in order to accommodate more students, and to help educate the world through our media.

While we have done our best to convey a sense of who we are and our mission, there is no substitute for experiencing the magic of Avalon EcoVillage in person.

And so we extend to you, our potential supporter and friend, a personal invitation to visit us. And we hope you will be inspired to support our efforts in a meaningful way.

We look forward to meeting you, please call or email us at: (520) 403-6271 or ShaRu@AvalonGardens.org

Avalon EcoVillage is located in the picturesque Santa Cruz River Valley of southern Arizona, south of Tucson, and administered by Global Community Communications Alliance, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, founded in Arizona on September 5, 1989 and consisting of 100 volunteers, adults and children, drawn from a dozen countries from around the world who feel called by their Creator to become stewards of the earth, and each other.

Avalon EcoVillage

Building Community For A Sustainable Future

Girl with sunflower.

Conscious Education & Vocational Training

Girl with horse.
Girl with sunflower.

Connecting to the Soil and Higher Values

Creating Fulfilling Lives & Memories

Girl in field.

Avalon EcoVillage

Avalon EcoVillage is a 220-acre farm and ranch located in Tumacácori, Arizona, approximately 45 miles south of Tucson.

Avalon EcoVillage is home to Avalon EcoVillage for at-risk youth, and also serves the public as a model of agricultural stewardship and sustainability practices.

Avalon EcoVillage.

Preserving Cultural History and Serving the Southern Arizona Region:

Father Kino Padre Eusebio Francisco Kino
(From Papeles El Padre Kino - 300 anos en la historia de Sonora)

The European history of the Santa Cruz Valley rightfully begins in 1691 with the arrival of Father Eusebio Francisco Kino, the Jesuit priest and explorer who distinguished himself as one of the only Spanish missionaries ever to foster harmonious relations between the native peoples and the white settlers. During his lifetime he established more than twenty missions among the O'odham peoples of the Pimería Alta between 1687 and 1711.

On the land that is now known as Avalon EcoVillage, Father Kino founded the Mission San Cayetano de Tumacácori in what was then a Native American village inhabited by the Sobaipuri, directly to the east and across the Santa Cruz River from what is now the Mission de Tumacácori Historic National Park.

We understand the Sobaipuri were an agrarian culture that relied on the waters of the nearby Santa Cruz and San Pedro Rivers to farm their crops of corn, beans and squash and were a linguistically-related branch of the modern day Tohono O'odham people.

View of fields at avalon gardens.
Harvestng Wheat at Avalon EcoVillage
Tummacacori Mission sky photo

Avalon EcoVillage volunteer-staff members strive to carry the spirit of Father Kino's benevolent character in all of their relations and participants and volunteer-staff alike seek to honor the agricultural traditions of this land in their program activities.

To this end, we recently joined a coalition of other local farmers, millers and bakers to help revive two of the oldest grain varieties adapted to the arid Southwest: Chapalote Flint Corn and White Sonora Soft Bread Wheat, the original varieties of their species to be cultivated in the Arizona deserts as farmed crops. This work was supported through a collaborative grant provided by Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, WSARE, a funding program of USDA.

Avalon EcoVillage is owned and managed by Global Community Communications Alliance, an IRS Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN number 74-2553156 founded in Arizona on September 5, 1989.

Aerial shot of the Avalon EcoVillage campus - Avalon EcoVillage

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